Sanando comunidades, una persona a la vez

Me llamo Verónica Iglesias. Soy una sanadora y académica, nacida y criada en México. He fundado Papalotl para apoyar a mis hermanas y hermanos en su proceso de sanación y  transformación compartiendo la sabiduría ancestral y el conocimiento de la medicina de la Tierra que es parte de mi herencia cultural.

He elegido el nombre Papalotl, que significa "Mariposa" en náhuatl, el idioma de mis ancestros, ya que es un emblema perfecto para la autotransformación.

Mi amor innato por el aprendizaje me llevó a obtener mi licenciatura en Bibliotecología. Cuando me encontraba en la cima de mi carrera, siendo directora de un centro de información en la Ciudad de México, cada día que pasaba mi descontento existencial crecía profundamente. Tanto mi mente como mi cuerpo se rebelaron contra mí. Y dejé mi bien remunerada la carrera para cuidarme y recrearme.

En el proceso de recuperación y reencuentro, comencé a estudiar una de las muchas modalidades de medicina de la Tierra: la medicina de las plantas. 

Mientras seguía con mis estudios, fui iniciada como un sahumadora, o portadora del fuego sagrado. Mientras se desarrollaba el ritual de iniciación, recordé que ya había estado en una ceremonia similar anteriormente cuando tenía 9 años. El camino era claro, habia sido llamada para continuar mi viaje en esta vida como sanadora.

Bajo la tutela de Ana Silvia Serrano, adquirí el arte de las terapias con cristales, gemas y obsidiana así como prácticas chamánicas. Mi transformación para convertirme en sanadora me obligó a abrazar tanto la sombra como la luz en mi ser, procesar el trauma intergeneracional sin resolver y aprender a amar todo lo que vino a mi vida.

Cuando recuperé mi fuerza, regresé a la academia para obtener mi maestría en Estudios Mesoamericanos en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Como parte de mi investigación, trabajé con sanadoras indígenas  para enriquecer y profundizar aún más mi conocimiento de los diversos métodos, rituales y ceremonias de curación.

En 2010 fui iniciada como cihuatlamacazqui, o sacerdotisa de Ix´Cheel, la diosa maya de la medicina, en una hermosa ceremonia en tierras mayas. Desde entonces he dirigido muchos retiros para aquellos que buscan su transformación personal. Comencé a ofrecer mis servicios en  centros alternativos de sanación y bienestar en México y Estados Unidos, especializándome en el apoyo a quienes se recuperan de las adicciones y  trauma.

Mi misión es estar al servicio de quienes desean recuperar su vitalidad y restablecer el equilibrio y claridad, para que se empoderen y  encuentren o recuerden aquello que les apasiona y da propósito a su vida.

Nuestro planeta necesita que todos recuperemos el equilibrio dentro de nosotros mismos. Cuando nos sanamos, podemos llevar esta curación a nuestras familias y a nuestras comunidades.

Desde mi corazón te agradezco todo aquello que haces para hacer de este planeta un mejor lugar para nuestros niños y las siguientes generaciones.



About Veronica Iglesias

Papalotl: Honoring Your Transformation

I was born in Mexico City in the middle of Spring. 

Since I was little I was having a very personal perception of the world around me, seeing lights around me, in the sky, also feeling different energies on spaces or at home, and several times having the sensation of flying. Nobody at home could explain it so I grew up, went to school, college, etc.

I always love physical exercise and challenges, so in high school I decided to played basquetball that help me a lot with my self esteem and confidence, also I started a good relationship with my physical body.

I had a bachelor degree in Library Science, I worked at libraries for around 10 years, something that I love from libraries and books is that they gave me an idea about the quantity of knowledge that humankind creates in a physical support like codex, books, e-books, websites, etc.! and also something that I learned was the ability to find any kind for information that I needed.

After working for some years at libraries I had a personal crisis about life, my relationships, my career, so I quit my job.

Having a lot of free time I decided to look for some classes and I found one about medicinal plants, and I loved it, because I learned how to make medicines with herbs and also I discovered the magic of a being in a group of women talking, sharing, making magic.

I had the fortune to be invited to a ceremony in Xochicalco to celebrate a Spring Equinox, there I was initiated a Sahumadora, a carrier of sacred fire, and then I remembered that this was my second initiation, because when I was 9 or 10 years old I carried for the first time a sahumador in a celebration in my Mother´s town in Puebla, Mexico, very close to Cholula, an ancient sanctuary of Quetzalcoatl.

At the same time I found my main teacher Ana Silvia Serrano, with her I learned about crystal therapy, and a wonderful therapy with obsidian, the gems and the obsidian are wonderful tools for healing, so I started my own process of healing then, it was not an easy path, but at the distance I can say that I know a lot about my self, both sides my dark side and my white side, I love my self and respect the path that everyone has to walk.

Years later I decided to studied a Master in Mesoamerican Studies and my research was about healers, how in pre-hispanic times the babies were choose to be healers and how they were learning, who teach them? and which kind of knowledge the learned, which kind of rytes fo passage they have? How they were related with the Universe?

so I was making entreviews with several indigenous healers in Mexico, and they taught me a lot!

At the same time I have my first experience in a Temazcal that is a kind of sweat lodge in the Mexican tradition, this is a sacred place that represent the womb of Mother Earth, and is a powerful place where you can have a lot of healing and conection with yourself and with the Universe.

In 2010 I was iniciated as a priestess of Ix´Cheel, the Mayan Goddess of medicine in a beautiful ceremony at the Mayan lands. 

I know that is a big responsability be a bearer of the knowledge and the sacred word and the sacred medicine,  and I am so happy for that!

 I considere myself a practicant of the Ticiyotl, the medicinal arts, a Shaman and a Priestess (a Ticitl and a Cihuatlamacazqui in náhuatl) and I love to share what I know with the people around me, an ancient and at the same time a new way to be connected with the Universe, to find ways to be in balance, on your center, ways to heal the mind, your heart and of course the body.

13 years ago I have the blessing to become a mother, my son is on eight grade now and together we are learning a lot about the best ways for me and for him to be connected with the Cosmos, with the elements and at the same time developing the ability to understand the world were we live. Be a mother is so wonderful and is a challenge at the same time. I love it!

Several years ago I started working with the archetypes of 10 females Mesoamerican deities, to facilite our journey of healing and empowering as women. That was the origen of the Jade Oracle, a set of 52 cards with the deities and symbols of Mesoamerica. 

Is and honor to meet you and want to let you know that I will be very happy to support you in your own path of healing and empowering. 

May love and light be with you.

Maria Veronica Iglesias Ramos


Nuestro Equipo